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510 entries found.
[Elf Pri] Caeru - High Priestess of Truth | (0 Comments)
[Elf Sor] Caeserea A'vaelinedhel - Honorbound Ardent Rose | (1 Comments)
[Hum War] Calahdru Nalru - Waterspeaker of Mortoon | (0 Comments)
[Hel Hel] Calieach - Von Dregen - Eye of Sargas, Hero of Hellions | (0 Comments)
[Hum Pal] Calstice A'merrho - Holy Knight of the White Flame | (0 Comments)
[Elf Pri] Calystria | (0 Comments)
[Hum Rog] Camaris - Darkstalker | (0 Comments)
[Elf Swa] Cazaril | (0 Comments)
[Del Hel] Ceinwyn von Darchona | (0 Comments)
[Hum Sor] Cessaly | (0 Comments)
[Del Pri] Chakos - Magical Implement. | (0 Comments)
[Dwa Mer] Chronis - Knightlord. Eye of Sargas | (0 Comments)
[Cen Sco] Cilneris - Xorn, Hostia Hunter | (0 Comments)
[Hel Pri] Corathir Veltre - Ecclesiastic, Zhensh Commander | (0 Comments)
[Gia Pri] Cylan Wilmer - Priest of Wisdom | (0 Comments)
[Del Hel] Cyndane - Fright Knight | (0 Comments)
[Hum Mer] Cyra Alvein - Zhensh Weaponmaster | (0 Comments)
[Spr Sco] Daaja - Wittle Bitty Biting Arrow | (0 Comments)
[Gno Pri] Daenorax Ozaele - Voice of Mayhem | (0 Comments)
[Dwa Mer] Daerk - Talon Commander | (0 Comments)
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