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510 entries found.
[Hum Sor] Aldric - Magelord of the Empire, The Eye of Sargas | (1 Comments)
[Elf Pri] Alifer Serivithen - - Providence of Magic | (0 Comments)
[Hum Mer] Alikeko Nagatmora - Shogun of Zhenshi - Sentinel of the Scale | (0 Comments)
[Elf Pal] Alleli Nir'Careth - Cherry Blossom | (0 Comments)
[Hel Pri] Alora De'cray | (0 Comments)
[Elf Pal] Altanon - Avatar of Dawn | (0 Comments)
[Elf Sor] Amadre Dryearettln - Ardent Sage of Zhenshi | (0 Comments)
[Hel Rog] Amara | (0 Comments)
[Hel Hel] Amodius - Von Ramsden, Pyrathia's Judge | (0 Comments)
[Cen Sha] Anasa - Breath of the Ancients | (0 Comments)
[Hum Mer] Andach - Vesati | (0 Comments)
[Hum Mer] Anser Terairn - Soldier of Freedom | (0 Comments)
[Gno Pri] Arabelle - Mathilda, Silent Spring | (0 Comments)
[Hel Pal] Aradan Galloing - Scion of Truth, Aegis of Benevolence | (0 Comments)
[Hum Sha] Arafiel | (0 Comments)
[Dwa Mer] Aram Ironfist | (0 Comments)
[Hum Bar] Aratheil - - Bloodlord, Soveriegn of the Star. | (0 Comments)
[Cen Bar] Archelor D'Astae - Fury of the Aru | (0 Comments)
[Elf Pal] Ardith Nir'Careth - Augerer of the Gauntlet | (0 Comments)
[Hum Hel] Aresius Zanariet - Templar of Suffering | (0 Comments)
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