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Last 10 Logs posted by KPI(29 logs found)
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1.Erog listens to a bunch of whining (long and boring) by KPI | Unrated. | (131 Comments)
2.Valley of the Fytrysks by KPI | Unrated. | (20 Comments)
3.Angel of Deceit by KPI | | (6 Comments)
4.Frozen Wastes of the Abyss by KPI | | (71 Comments)
5.Don't Blink by KPI | | (16 Comments)
6.RIP Lydia by KPI | Unrated. | (41 Comments)
7.Great Victory - RIP Losache & Azoreth by KPI | Unrated. | (19 Comments)
8.RIP Vordune by KPI | | (5 Comments)
9.RIP Rysam by KPI | Unrated. | (38 Comments)
10.Erog the Bully by KPI | Unrated. | (17 Comments)
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