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Last 10 Logs posted by sypher(24 logs found)
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1.Black Hand vs Lighty Force, Courtyard(Full log) by sypher | | (12 Comments)
2.Cerrilius vs Baulen, Tlaxcala. by sypher | | (21 Comments)
3.Rumble on the mountainside, CoN vs Light Coalition. by sypher | | (45 Comments)
4.Accidental PK at its finest. by sypher | | (10 Comments)
5.Not invited to the party. :( by sypher | | (16 Comments)
6.[OLD] Sorrinius, Paladin of the Cycle. by sypher | | (4 Comments)
7.[OLD] Jewel of the East (RPK) by sypher | | (9 Comments)
8.OP Magma ftw. CoN vs Coalition. by sypher | | (33 Comments)
9.Those tasty Taslamaran whores! Mmm delicious. by sypher | | (16 Comments)
10.The Grand General Infernal over the years, a montage. by sypher | | (4 Comments)
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