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Last 10 Logs posted by thecannibal(13 logs found)
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1.Crit Cleaves Never Get Old by TheCannibal | Unrated. | (3 Comments)
2.Hammer noobs pwnt. by thecannibal | Unrated. | (12 Comments)
3.Slayne, Prostitutes, Paladins, Philosophy by TheCannibal | | (2 Comments)
4.Slayne duels Eusd by thecannibal | Unrated. | (12 Comments)
5.Ghimghul and a friend rape nerina by thecannibal | Unrated. | (2 Comments)
6.Coryn gets his wish by thecannibal | Unrated. | (4 Comments)
7.Ghimgul vs Valtari by thecannibal | | (3 Comments)
8.(OLD) Slayne, Inzaarid, Madros and co. Nerina Raide by thecannibal | | (6 Comments)
9.Myryam charm killed by thecannibal | | (9 Comments)
10.Why hellions shouldn't sleep around rogues by thecannibal | | (11 Comments)
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