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Now listing Logs posted by arkex(39 logs found)
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21.Theodoric VS Chronis. Dual to Stun by arkex | Unrated. | (1 Comments)
22.Reminding Peacekeepers we're at war by arkex | | (4 Comments)
23.correction: MC Rocks Guardians. Chronis POV.html by arkex | | (12 Comments)
24.Battle at Losache Keep. by arkex | | (30 Comments)
25.More of the same until the adjective change by arkex | Unrated. | (19 Comments)
26.Ye done being enlightened? by arkex | Unrated. | (2 Comments)
27.Subclasses? and other ideas. by arkex | Unrated. | (30 Comments)
28.Summon Killed by arkex | | (16 Comments)
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