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Now listing Logs posted by rial(36 logs found)
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21.Some imperial vs some lighties in Nerina by rial | | (16 Comments)
22.Pertinax doesn't know what it means to be banished by rial | Unrated. | (4 Comments)
23.Sakim and Fenins side battle by rial | | (8 Comments)
24.Lothar gets disconnected at a bad time in nerina by rial | Unrated. | (2 Comments)
25.Imperials get overcondfident in Nerina by rial | | (38 Comments)
26.Borviir vs sakim in teron by rial | | (13 Comments)
27.Bain rolls into zhenshi by Rial | | (14 Comments)
28.Zaliker randomly ganked in Nerina by Rial | | (26 Comments)
29.Duel gone wrong by rial | | (15 Comments)
30.Random mcer I don't recognize comes to Zhenshi by rial | | (10 Comments)
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