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Now listing Logs posted by CarlJohnson(46 logs found)
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21.Surrit fails AFK gank on Hentera by CarlJohnson | Unrated. | (4 Comments)
22.The PK where Dalkar deletes by CarlJohnson | | (11 Comments)
23.Hentera makes Viynain quit SK by CarlJohnson | | (13 Comments)
24.Alshain Cheats For Mika by CarlJohnson | | (17 Comments)
25.The Kitteh Dies! by CarlJohnson | Unrated. | (7 Comments)
26.Hentera and Jaaku v Irition by CarlJohnson | Unrated. | (9 Comments)
27.Sucks when you don't have a bunch of people to run and hide behind, doesn't it by CarlJohnson | | (71 Comments)
28.OLD - Krail eats a final strike by CarlJohnson | | (9 Comments)
29.OLD - Everika and Carmen V Othet by CarlJohnson | Unrated. | (1 Comments)
30.OLD - Rikka gets pwnt by a god. by CarlJohnson | Unrated. | (3 Comments)
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