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Now listing Logs posted by rodwen(22 logs found)
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11.Draykeios and a necrophidius VS Estobar and Eabn by Rodwen | Unrated. | (18 Comments)
12.We're crazy, but we pulled it off. Rajjin kill try 2 by Rodwen | Unrated. | (25 Comments)
13.With this test complete, I will keep Draykeios alive. by Rodwen | Unrated. | (25 Comments)
14.It is logged, so it happened. by Rodwen | | (1 Comments)
15.That thing in Village Drukyul a while back with Kura. by Rodwen | Unrated. | (4 Comments)
16.Not prepared+smart thing to do=...not lose today by Rodwen | | (6 Comments)
17.Draykeios gets utterly obliterated. by Rodwen | Unrated. | (23 Comments)
18.Xonin's Zangetsu by Rodwen | | (34 Comments)
19.Algorab and Mira battle it out in the Taproom by Rodwen | | (116 Comments)
20.Xonin's investment ceremony for Ericos by Rodwen | | (8 Comments)
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