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761.Sickle continues to be the best weapon | Unrated. | (24 Comments)
762.Five attacks with battle-axe by ardith | Unrated. | (48 Comments)
763.Makeusi gets put in his place by ardith | | (68 Comments)
764.Alira slain, Lydia and Johanna make me flee by patrisaurus | Unrated. | (81 Comments)
765.Lydia and Jomino taken down at Vebjorn by patrisaurus | | (23 Comments)
766.Lydia and Johanna back to back in Teron by patrisaurus | Unrated. | (2 Comments)
767.Jomino: pro by ardith | Unrated. | (54 Comments)
768.I told you Harlie trib members were OP by Edoras | | (65 Comments)
769.If Everyone Came Back: Would SK Thrive by arkex | Unrated. | (368 Comments)
770.(Old) Detective Berr is on the case! by Edoras | | (4 Comments)
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