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681.Tlisu gets B-Rekt | | (28 Comments)
682.Retardoras Trigger Warning: mage colony patrolling by Finney | | (88 Comments)
683.Drogna and Syndal (extremely old) | | (10 Comments)
684.Duuf donates 72 mistletoe by Finney | Unrated. | (14 Comments)
685.Klai gets t-rekt by Finney | | (49 Comments)
686.Taytay goes HAM on Shanaynay (Deran) by Finney | | (10 Comments)
687.Retardoras Trigger Warning: this log is NOT a Safe Space by Finney | | (5 Comments)
688.Deltric and Dreuce get t-rekt by Finney | | (4 Comments)
689.Taran Viracian by Finney | | (10 Comments)
690.It's a TRAP! R.I.P. Karsh & Tlisu by Damakos | | (17 Comments)
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