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611.Wasting good Magma Staves. by corwyn | | (101 Comments)
612.Orik Bitches Out: recalls and then logs out to avoid PK by Finney | | (2 Comments)
613.corwy and ardit still clueless about OA | Unrated. | (10 Comments)
614.Not so happy giant. by Shadow | Unrated. | (4 Comments)
615.Alira gets her skull crushed | | (37 Comments)
616.Damean gets his skull crushed | | (58 Comments)
617.Dulbert and Thuban still clueless on saving throws by ardith | Unrated. | (22 Comments)
618.Magican gets it. by corwyn | Unrated. | (32 Comments)
619.Site chit-chat by Revenger | Unrated. | (15 Comments)
620.Assclowns of the Court | Unrated. | (5 Comments)
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