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491.The Staff of a Million Tears by Revenger | | (8 Comments)
492.Tiger style hellion build by ardith | Unrated. | (19 Comments)
493.Arrow difference by Calystria | Unrated. | (72 Comments)
494.Damage types and sources by ardith | Unrated. | (4 Comments)
495.Tiger style swashbuckler by ardith | Unrated. | (51 Comments)
496.The battle for Legatus of Legion | Unrated. | (8 Comments)
497.Tame by Calystria | Unrated. | (48 Comments)
498.Weapon Comparison List 4.3 by Algon | Unrated. | (63 Comments)
499.Dalkar, Tyto VS Assorted lighties (2012) | | (2 Comments)
500.Weapon Comparison List 4.2 by Algon | Unrated. | (1 Comments)
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