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Last 10 Logs posted by maxman(7 logs found)
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1.Ksenia and company get caught in a group shim only to find themselves in the Riv by maxman | Unrated. | (2 Comments)
2.Color Test 2.0 by maxman | Unrated. | (34 Comments)
3.Seven attacks by maxman | Unrated. | (10 Comments)
4.Buy maxman's book as well as OA's and Ardith's. by maxman | Unrated. | (6 Comments)
5.Caught with my pants around my ankles. by maxman | | (5 Comments)
6.Summoned by a lonely, long-haired grey bush. by maxman | | (93 Comments)
7.Goading Anser to his death. by maxman | | (18 Comments)

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