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Now listing Logs posted by Conan(42 logs found)
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31.Auto Surrender > Estobar by Conan | Unrated. | (7 Comments)
32.An old Log of Estobar Killing Koln with an Hol Charge...sorta.. by Conan | Unrated. | (3 Comments)
33.Old log of Bovereen hunting down Amschel by Conan | Unrated. | (3 Comments)
34.The Hammer gets courageous by conan | | (7 Comments)
35.Kintaidyn by Conan | | (13 Comments)
36.Kintaidyn the elven maiden by conan | | (40 Comments)
37.Bromus and Halven with Guards kill Borviir and confiscate all carried wealth and by conan | | (11 Comments)
38.Delinus scratches Bromus by conan | | (3 Comments)
39.Human merc vs Giant merc by Conan | | (10 Comments)
40.A gate opens and Ceinwyn wonders what to do by Conan | | (30 Comments)
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